October 13, 2013

Hospice Voices at the Huffington Post

The Huffington Post has published a helpful overview of the benefits of hospice care. The author, Kristin Meekhof, has written a book on hospice, and in it, she attempts to delineate the value of the service that over 1.65 million Americans use every year:

Many have lost loved ones in the hospital and others, like my late husband, had in-home hospice care. Rather often, when I talk about my upcoming book, I am asked whether I would again engage hospice. This answer is yes. Hospice is a difficult decision for anyone, but it allowed me to bring my late husband home, somewhere he desperately wanted to be.
The staff at Blue Skies is committed to bringing the same peace of mind, comfort, and reassurance to our patients and their families during their trauma and trial through terminal disease. Please call us if you have any questions.